Friday, March 13, 2009

The first thing Matthew said to me this morning, "one more day until Spring Break," and Friday is always his favorite day anyway! After all it's Frosty Friday, assuming of course, he'll be good at school again today.   If he's good at school all week, we go to Wendy's after school and get Frosties...even I love Frosty Friday. When I tell him in the morning to be good, it's with a niggling sense of urgency, because come Friday, we get Frosties!!

Even Sofie gets to participate in Frosty Friday, though she's already provided herself with a treat this morning. After dealing with a load of laundry, I went downstairs to find she'd raided the fridge (which I didn't know she could get open), and eaten a carton of sour cream. Personally I hate sour cream, so I'm keeping a clear distance until her breath loses that soury creamy odor! 

At some point today I want to work with the February Jenni Bowlin kit, this picture of Matthew at Disneyland just fit The Farmer's Wife line so well!

And yesterday afternoon the March Jenni Bowlin kit arrived!! I'm not too embarrassed to admit (though I probably should be) that I was so excited I slipped off the porch, and twisted not just my ankle but my entire calf. Fortunately my neighbors saw it happen, so I didn't have to laugh at myself all alone :)

Happy Friday!


Lauren said...

how cute! show what you do with kit!

Anonymous said...

yay for your new kit!!!!! it sounds like you had to work to get it!!!! you poor thing! hope your ankle is OK!!!