Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yesterday I finally finished cleaning my office, it's the hardest room in the house to clean, since it seems to be where everything we don't know what to do with ends up. But I love my pink office, and when it's clean and tidy I feel a little more like everything is right with the world.

Now that I've posted these, I realize I didn't photograph half the room. Our computer desk has never been so tidy and organized, so I'm definitely getting pictures of it as soon as the sun comes up! Those pictures will be lovely to look at once the desk is covered in homework, mail, movies, etc, etc. 

And don't forget to leave a comment, for some Pay It Forward scrappy goodness!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Diana D said...

Looks at that!! All nice and clean!
When are we going to messy it up again ;)

Erin said...

so pretty!