Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm so excited, we just received this painting from my grandma, and I can't wait to hang it up! My grandma has been painting for over 60 years, and she's painted wonderful portraits of all of us, this is the first of Sofia. What I love most about this one of Sofia, is it's from one of my favorite pictures of her, it's a great memory from a really fun day. There are other pictures of her from this day on the slideshow; as you can see my grandma painted pants on Sof, so she's not flashing us forever :)
These are the layouts I've done so far with the SFAC March kit, hopefully I'll be able to get a few more done before this weekend. My goal is to finish the kit by Friday.
Well, off to Children's Oakland, wish us luck....I'm not feeling confident Sofia will be very cooperative.


Anonymous said...

wow, that is a beautiful painting!!! looks like you are having fun with the SFAC kit!! best of luck at the hospital, I hope all goes well!

Diana D said...

Yeah, Scrappy Pages!! You took some Anee time! Good for you!

Love the painting! that's very special