Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today has been all about playing catch-up from the last few days, and getting everything around here picked up, so I can spend this Saturday away, by myself, guilt-free!  Yesterday was spent running all over Oakland getting things done, and getting home in time to run errands here, and working on homework. 

Here is the end result of Sofia's visit to Children's Hospital, four vials of blood taken! It seemed excessive for such a small person, but she seems no worse for wear. She absolutely refused to let anyone take this bandage off, it stayed from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm, and though I'm sure that's horribly wrong somehow, I also know when to pick my battles!

Our other errand, since we were in Oakland, was a trip to IKEA. Sofia and I had lunch there, then bought lamps for the living room. She insisted she wanted meatballs for her lunch, then of course shoved them aside for my lunch :)  It was for the best, I shouldn't eat french fries anyway. Below is what she got for being a good girl for the neuro, and getting her blood drawn. She's been playing on it almost constantly, and is now wonderfully worn out!

In Matthew News :

Every day at school this week the kids have to wear something strange. Yesterday was "Backwards Day", and I'm so happy Matthew was willing to do it! He's been so particular about things lately, and I was worried he wouldn't want to do anything that wasn't "normal". He wasn't on board to do the crazy hair thing on Monday, but since his hair is so crazy on its own, and it's too hard to work with anyway. 
John didn't realize that yesterday Matthew was supposed to wear his shirt backwards, and started to get seriously worried that there was something wrong with him!! Poor John, it was hard not to laugh at him, but I couldn't help myself either. Thankfully he loves me as much as he does :)

1 comment:

Diana D said...

Glad it all went well at Children's and Ikea and can't wait for Saturday