Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just when I think my darling daughter has grown past the stage of near constant mischievousness, we have a day like yesterday. She somehow managed to get hold of two boxes of macaroni & cheese, and spread them all over the family room. Later she "stole" three apples from the kitchen counter, and ate a little bit of each of them.

I discovered later that her rampage had continued when I found 7 bananas mashed behind the couch. Fortunately only one banana escaped its skin, so the rest are destined for banana bread. Days like this used to be the norm for Sofia, but lately they are few and far between, so when they happen it's far more emotionally draining, at least for that day. 
A lot of positive things do come from her annoying antics; by the next day I can usually start finding them amusing, and I've gained a broad range of stain removal techniques! From the above picture I will learn how to remove lollipop from microsuade :)


Debbie said...

Sorry, but this made me snicker, Anne! Love that you took pictures of the carnage!

Diana D said...

Oh that Sofie- keeps you on your toes-