Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I didn't realize until today that my last post was in November!!  I knew I'd been procrastinating about posting again, but this is ridiculous!!  

We had a great holiday season, and I'm almost recovered.  A week after Thanksgiving I was finally and officially diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and I'm so relieved to have a reason for feeling so exhausted and run down all the time. The treatment will take a minimum of three months before I feel much difference, but after a few weeks I'm already noticing some minor improvements; and just knowing things will get better makes me happy.

One of my goals this year is to continue to take photos of the ordinary things in my life, and this is an example of one of those things. 

Sofia has developed a very strong opinion about her wardrobe, and what she's willing to wear at any given moment (this changes frequently throughout the day). The sweat pants were a compromise, since it is January, and she only seemed to think I was being mildly unreasonable.


Anonymous said...

gotta love a little girl dressing herself!!! my girls do it all the time, and it is hilarious! (well, they are getting better!).

Diana D said...

Is that a bathing suit??

That's great- you should see some of the outfits mine put together- They have learned to ask me before they put it all on :)

Leigh Penner said...

I love it!
My dd is the same way-- as well as a huge fan of Dora!