Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Not So Wasted Day

It's amazing how, even though the goal of staying home for the last few weeks was (for the most part) achieved, not much was actually accomplished!  Today I celebrated the act of not doing much by spending it watching Patti and Diana work toward building their business. Some definite progress was made, and it was actually another remarkably relaxing day.

John will be back to work this week, and Sofie will start preschool "full" time, and my hope is that I will be more productive in the coming weeks. My friend Diana just wrote about how there never seems to be enough time in the day for all the things she want to do, and yet there are people who seem to conquer the world on a near daily basis. My dream for this week is I become more like these "world conquering" people!  The first goal : potty-training.

Sofie has already had some potty success (could Election Barbie be forgotten!), but now it's the time to hunker down and get serious. My plan to conquer the potty? Stay home for anything but school, and spend the bulk of our time sitting on the potty reading books and singing every song we know. Grandma has already offered a fabulous bribe....a family trip to Disneyland if Sof can be trained within the next month!  Sofie is already addicted to watching the Haunted Mansion intro (scary!), and singing along with the birds in the Enchanted Tiki Room on the Disney website.  Anything to keep her motivated!!

Fingers crossed we'll have success!!   And advice is always welcome.

1 comment:

Diana D said...

It was fun hanging out- great picture too :)