A lot has been happening in the last six months, mostly happy things, but definitely things that needed some time away. Most happily we're expecting our third child, and I'm exactly 20 weeks today! I finally feel like I'm coming out of the first trimester stupor to rejoin the land of the living!
I started the Ali Edwards "A Week in the Life" Challenge last week, but ran into some obstacles in getting the project finished (I'm not sure it would look the same with absolutely no pictures!). It's a great challenge, and I need the kick in the pants to get some scrapping done, so it's going on my calendar for a week in May, just so I can make it a priority. Here are some of the pictures I did manage to capture:

Sofie's first day on the bus. She's ridden it for a week now, and so far has not made it home without falling asleep.
My mom might disagree, but I love this picture; she prefers posed photos, so I'm sure I'll hear about this! Part of the last week was spent visiting with my grandma, and soon she'll be living close by full-time, so we'll be having more of these moments!